Saturday, September 19, 2009

St. Joseph...........September 19

The Litany to St. Joseph ends with the words "He made him the lord of His household and prince over all His possessions." It is believed that the same way that Jesus was obedient to His parents during life, and denied them nothing, Jesus does in Heaven. Therefore, do not ever be relucant to ask Joseph for his patronage in any need.


  1. So lovely!

    I adore St. Joseph. I never used to find him that compelling, but then I started to reflect upon the fact that he loved and raised a child who was not, biologically speaking, his "own." In that way, he reminds me of several men I know who are stepdads, adoptive fathers, etc. Their love for their children is so inspiring ... like St. Joseph's was for Jesus.

  2. My son is a stepfather to a daughter. I had never thought of him in the role of St Joseph as I had not thought of St Joseph in this role either, as Ginny said, biologcally speaking. Thank You,Ginny, for the simple analogy,I will definenitly bring this to my sons attention.What a marvelous eye opener.
    Anonymous of Ca.
    A wonderful weekend to all.

  3. Dear Saint Joseph is my favourite Patron Saint. I confidently go to him with all my needs. It is so good to know that he always watches over our family.
    Saint Joseph is also the great master of interior prayer.


  4. A work mate was very worried about her parents, her father had discovered he was dying and her mother was already blind and disabled, how would she cope with her beloved husbands death, how much would he have to suffer? we were both christians but only I was Catholic. I explained about how Sy Joseph was the patron of a good death and promised to light a candle before our parish statue of St Joseph. Later she said to me " That prayer to Joseph was answered, my father had a beutiful death, he just went in his sleep holding my mothers hand and he didnt suffer."
    Thank you Dear St Joseph, like all good fathers always there, waiting to help us, quietly in the background the stregnth and stay of Our Lady when Christ was an Infant and always a helper and advisor to us, poor lost ones, helping us to Jesus, who you tenderly raised with all your fatherly love and who you now serve and adore in Heaven.

  5. I have grown in my love for St. Joseph ever since I began writing a short book on recent miracles attributed to his intercession. I was moved by the comment on St. Joseph's intercession for a holy death. It reminds me of the variety of stories of people in the book who found him truly a helper in their life's emergencies. On less of an emergency note: the promise of St. Teresa of Avila I have found true, St. Joseph is a great teacher of prayer. Ever since I began praying a certain powerful prayer a friend gave me to put in the book I have noticed a great shift in my prayer.
    Sr. Kathryn,
    Sr. Kathryn

  6. Ginny - I'm so happy to read that you "found" St. Joseph. He is one of my favorites.

    Anonymous in CA - Glad you came to see St. Joseph as a "stepfather". I bet your son sees that same love.

    Ceci - No better patron saint to love. He's always there for you.

    diddleymaz - What a blessing you were to this family. I'm sure St. Joseph brought that family his comfort. Thanks for sharing this.

    Kathryn - I hope others go to your site and enjoy it as much as my visit. What a beautiful tribute. I also love St. Teresa's simple belief and words of adivce....."go to St. Joseph." Continued success in your endeavor.

  7. Dear St Joseph, thank you for helping me intercede to Jesus and the many answered prayers. Thank you for improving the ties between me and few of my friends, for giving me self confidence during my presentations and when in public, for letting me pass the tests and examinations with good grades and also for the safe and quick delivery and arrival. Also, thank you for helping me be able to find what i was looking for as well. Thank You Jesus, thank You God, for answering St Joseph's intercessions for me. Thank You all so much.

  8. Dear St Joseph, thank you once again for interceding for me to Lord God and Lord Jesus Christ to let the friendship between my friend (whom i shall call A) and i improve and for the opportunities to do so, after a small, accidental miscommunication which happened between us and pretty much ruined our relationship. Also, i would like to thank you for your on-going intercession as well to help patch us up immediately again after another minor incident happened between us. Thank you also for interceding to God and Jesus to improve the relationship i share with each of my other friends and for the opportunities to strengthen our bonds with each other. Our relationships have been improving due to the providence of the opportunities to do so these past few days, especially. Also, thank you for interceding to God and Jesus for the assurance that C and i are on alright terms and as well as for letting my group-mates and i have a great time today again. Thank You Lord God and Lord Jesus Christ for answering my petitions through the intercessions of St Joseph and for providing me with so many blessings :-)

  9. Thank you Saint Joseph for interceding to God and to Jesus to let my friend know and believe the truth and to let our friendship remain the same as before. He text-messaged me after our test today, like he did before, asking how was the paper. I am overjoyed and amazed! Thank you St Joseph for your intercession. Thank You Lord! Thank You Jesus! :-D ^_^

  10. Audrey, Anonymous and Anonymous - I just wanted to thank you all for sharing your love for St. Joseph. He has certainly answered so many of my prayers. It is a pure joy to hear others project their love for him....thank you for sharing this. I particularly loved hearing how St. Joseph worked within a friendship.... so beautiful. Thanks.

  11. Hey its me again. Today i want to thank Saint Joseph for his intercession to God and to Jesus to let my classes go well and to save things from becoming bad when they were looking awful, for giving me the confidence i needed to play better/well during sports practice and also to improve the friendship i share with each of my 2 friends, as well as for the opportunities to make good our friendships too. Thank You Lord God, thank You Jesus for hearing and answering my petitions through the intercession of Saint Joseph. :)

    Also, thank you Micki, for your comment. Saint Joseph is really awesome and so is God and Jesus! :D

  12. Audrey - You make me smile. So many people have your same love for St. Joseph. He always seems to answer my prayers too. I'm so glad your classes went well and your sporting talents kicked in. It's interesting that your prayed for your friendships go well....I love that, your thinking of others too. I'm sure you are a wonderful friend. I'll ask blessings for you through St. Joseph also. God bless you.

  13. Thank you St Joseph for interceding to God and to Jesus to let my family gathering go quite well this year. As we only meet up once a year almost all the time, my cousins and i are not really familiar with each other and when i am around people i am not familiar with, i tend to feel awkward and shy around them. However, this year not only did i manage to have a hearty chat with one of my cousins, but i also managed to be confident of myself and be who i am. Thank you for your intercession St Joseph's to let this year's gathering go well. Thank You most of all Lord God and Lord Jesus Christ for hearing and answering my petitions through the intercessions of St Joseph.

  14. Anonymous - Even though this posted in September I'm happy to see another poster adding to their thanks and joy for St. Joseph's intercession. He is one of my favorites and I know he does great things "behind the scene" so to speak.

  15. Thank you Saint Joseph for your intercession to Lord God and to Lord Jesus once more, but this time for the grandmother of my best friend to get better. She was re-hospitalized again i think due to her lung growth or/and her deteoriating organs. However, i was told she is getting better and recovering. Thank you!! Thank You Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ for hearing and answering my petitions through Saint Joseph's intercession. :'-D

  16. Anonymous - Thank you for finding this post about St. Joseph from one year ago. It is always wonderful to see thanksgiving going to him for prayers answered. Please click on the site at the top of the blog that takes you to "A Blessing To Read"....another post for today 3/10/10 regarding St. Joseph.

  17. Dearest St. Joseph, thank you so much for your kind intercessions. Thank you, thank you! Thank You God also for answering my prayers through Saint Joseph's intercession. (:
