Sunday, September 27, 2009

Carry Your Cross..........September 27

Little headaches, little heartaches
Little griefs of every day
Little trials and vexations.
How they throng upon our way.
Yet all life is formed of small things.
Little leaves make up the trees.
Many tiny drops of water blending
Make the mighty seas.
Asking him for grace sufficient
To sustain us through each loss
And to treasure each small suffering
As a splinter from His cross.

(parts taken from MARY'S CALL, p.56)

Friends - I'll be gone
for the next 13 days.
Please continue to leave comments. I will be unable to respond now but I'll catch up when we return.
Love to all.


  1. Thank you Micki

    Lord help us to carry the crosses that you have given us without compaint.

  2. not for ever by still waters do we ask to idly stay,but would smite the living fountains from the rocks along our way.

  3. Micki,

    That is one of the most meaningful poems I've read. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I have a question. Where can I pick up a copy of 'Mary's Call'? Is it still in print?

  5. Friends,

    The French words mean, "The Pathway to Paradise! ... It is hard, but life is so short."

