Monday, September 14, 2009

Black Lace Symbol Holy Card........September 14

my God,
because you are mine,
I lack nothing."

St. Gertrude the Great

German words -
"In the Cross there is Salvation."


  1. Friends,

    The meaning of the German words is, "In the Cross there is Salvation."

    Suggestion to SHEAFmom, in case you are not aware of this ...
    When you are looking at a holy card with your child, you can click on the image to cause it to be enlarged (for clearer viewing of details).


  2. The uplifting image apears to be for someone mourning ,hence the black border.The message is that we are saved from death by the cross and suffering of Jesus, here shown as His Most Sacred Heart,with the doves of The Holy Spirit to remind us "My Peace I give you" and "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted",Amen I say to that for we are comforted, even though our son died yet does he live with Christ and we shall see him and our other dear ones and there will be no more tears.

    my wv is prays !!

  3. Beautiful holycard and quote!! Thanks for sharing daily~JMJ~Lisa S.

  4. That quote from St. Gertrude is so powerful! Thankyou, Micki, for sharing this beautiful holy card.

    Diane S.

  5. Just beautiful. We love printing out these very special holy cards and laminating them for ourselves. This is one we'll being doing that with.

  6. Thank you all for leaving messages. It is a joy to feel your blessings, thoughts, and love.
    I pray you continue to be inspired.
