Saturday, August 29, 2009

Your Highest Work..........August 29

"The patient and humble endurance of the cross-whatever nature it may be-is the highest work we have to do."

Saint Katharine Drexel


  1. What a beautiful holy card! And the saying with it is one to think about and ponder. Thankyou, Micki!

    Diane S.

  2. I love your site! Thank you for posting such beautiful cards and sentiments. My six-year-old daughter loves seeing it, too.

  3. Diane - I love your suggestion aout "ponder"....that can take as much effort as we can bring. He always gives us something when we are pondering. it.

    Anonymous - Thank you for your sweet words. What a wonderful parent you are to share these with your daughter. Those moments looking and talking about various cards will be her memories forever...thanks for including her.

  4. Dear Micki,

    thank you for this beautiful card and these words which I received when most needed.

    May God bless you always for this beautiful apostolate.


  5. Ceci - I think you might be a first time commenter and so I welcome you. I hope you will share your thoughts and please know that I appreciate your very complimentary remarks about the blog. Welcome and Blessings.
