Sunday, August 2, 2009

Talk Too Much?...............August 2

If we turn a deaf ear to God,
He turns a deaf ear to us.
Proverbs 28:9

"St. Paul tells us that faith comes from listening. (Most people make the same mistake with God that they do with their friends;
they do all the talking.)

God has things to tell us which will enlighten us--we must wait for Him to speak."

Bishop Fulton Sheen

German words on the card:
"He who is not with Me is against Me"
(part of Luke 11:23).


  1. Be still and know that I am God,
    Christ in Glory is one of my Favorite images of Him.
    What a perfect image for Sunday!

  2. What a beautiful card and the quote is tremendous!
    Thankyou, Micki!

    Diane S.

  3. A very Majestic Image of Our Glorified King! May we all learn to be obedient subjects to Him, who is Love Itself!

    Christ the King is also one of my favorite images of Our Lord, Thank you for posting this today.

    With all the "noise" that is in our world today, we must go away to a quite place and commune with Jesus so that we may hear His gentlvoice bidding us to learn of Him and to return love to Him that receives so much indifference.

    Lord, with your help and grace teach me to calm the storms that rage within my soul, so that I may hear you speak to me in the events of everyday life. I don't want to miss the opportunity to do your will. A blessed day to all of your visitors and to you Micki. I hope you are doing well. John K.

  4. Another great meditation, Micki. Also, I like John's point about we must go away from the noise. It is so hard to escape from cell phones, home phones, e-mail, etc. We have to make that time. My Pastor always says that you have to make time for prayer because you will never find time. So true. God bless you, Micki, and everyone who comes to read and comment here. I look forward to each day's post and the comments that go with them.

  5. Friends,

    Today, if it were not a Sunday, would have been an "optional memorial" honoring Our Lady of the Angels.

    Here is the meaning of the German words on the card:

    "He who is not with Me is against Me" (part of Luke 11:23).

    Micki, this morning I added a (tardy) translation for the May 1 card. Sorry.


  6. EVERYONE - Thank you all for your heart warming comments. Some days I'm just blown away with all your comments shared here.....such sage advice on how to grow more in love with our Lord and His Holy Family.
    Thank you. Blessings to each and everyone of you.

  7. Just realized I forgot to sign my name. That is me three comments above. God bless! Stephanie

  8. Talk is cheap.
    Silence is golden.
    Thank you for the reminder.

  9. Adrienne - Your words confirm the quote. But, oh so difficult at times isn't it?
