Friday, July 31, 2009

Act of Love................July 31


Each thought, each word, each deed of mine
Shall be an act of love divine And everything that I shall do Shall be, my God, for love of You.

From "Mary's Call"

French words on the front of the card:
"O my divine Jesus, I do not wish any longer to see You crowned with thorns!
I bring you, in exchange, the flowers of my love!"

Please click on comments to read John's lovingly translated
words to the poem at the left of the picture.
Thank you John.


  1. Happy Feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola!

    John Brown SJ

  2. Friends,

    Here is the meaning of the French words on the front of the card:

    "O my divine Jesus, I do not wish any longer to see You crowned with thorns! I bring you, in exchange, the flowers of my love!"

    If I am able to translate the poem on the back of the card, I will be back later.


  3. What a beautiful card and translation. This will be among one of my favorites!

    Diane S.

  4. Friends,

    I do not really speak French (knowing on a word, here and there), so I am having much trouble with the poem on the back of the card. I have been able to translate only the first three verses, which (I hope) are the most important ones. If the other verses are important, perhaps one of you can help?


    On a day when hearts in jubilation
    Compose their New Year's greetings,
    When, for the one beloved, affection
    Dreams of a heaven ever pure and beautiful,

    A child said her Mother:
    "Let us hurry our steps towards the holy place.
    I want to be first to wish
    A good year to the good God."

    The Mother, on the way back, said with emotion:
    "What was your wish for the Lord?"
    "It was," answered the lovable naive one,
    "That He no longer have thorns on His Heart!"

  5. Sorry. The first line of the second stanza is missing the word, "to" ("said to her mother").

  6. John Brown SJ - Thank you for bringing to my attention that I forgot dear Saint Ignatius Loyola.
    He most certainly is not forgetable and yet I did. Forgive me. Happy feast day.

    John - You did a wonderful always do. Thanks.

    Diane - You make me smile when I see words like "favorites." I bet you have a ton of favorites....(insert big smile do I.)

    John - "no thorns on His heart", how touching is that!

  7. The poem is so loving! if only we could love like that.but the world comes between us and our loving Saviour, may we be given the grace to be a child of God.

  8. diddleymaz - If we could love like Him we would certainly be walking saints. Lord help us all.
