Monday, March 17, 2008

C. Bosseron Chambers Face of Christ, Monday of Holy Week

Our journey through Lent
is nearing the end.
May the "living water" of your promise
sustain us
so we may accompany You in the days ahead.


Anonymous said...

Micki--I nearly jumped through the screen when I saw the holy card this morning--by my favorite artists-C. Bosseron Chambers. Thankyou!!!


Anonymous said...

Micki, this is a beautiful portrayal - I half expect the cloth to lift on the breeze. Thank You
Best Regards, Lynneda

Easter Almuena said...

Hello Dearest Micki!

Simply beautiful and puts us in the mood...

Such a lovely face of Christ with his eyes closed! He seems to be saying, "I surrender all to you, Father!" No wonder the Father was greatly glorified through Jesus!

A Blessed Holy Week to you, dear Micki, and to all your wonderful readers!


Micki said...

D.S. - Your welcome. And you of course know that I think you are the primo collector of Chambers must get that blog up and running.

Lynneda - Seeing the word "breeze" brought some refreshment to me while contemplating this sad season. Thank you.

Easter - I love the addition of your beautiful words. You can see a picture and tell a story. Wonderful....particularly because I'm sure of the truth to this. Blessings to you and your beautiful family.